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Famous LUCKY BLOCK PE Mod : Mc Mini Game with Multiplayer - The most intense pvp experience is now available to download on App store
►► Recommended by SkyDoesMinecraft and TheDiamondMinecraft ►►
LUCKY BLOCK in WORLDWIDE MULTIPLAYER MODE! Each room can has up to 15 players! You can play it with other players all over the world.
Deathmatch mode benefits:
• 6 unique BLOCK ARENA maps (We are constantly expanding)
• Varied weaponry,
• While there is no online opponent we make sure not to get bored and use it in your weapon
• Up to 15 players in one game.
• Challenging and exciting experience that can really get you hooked!
• Create & Joins Rooms: Play with other players all around the world
• Put yourself before you try to test a large Multiplayer war
• Wide choice of arms,
• 6 unique BLOCK ARENA maps (We are constantly expanding)
• Many types of enemies.
• Awesome HD pixel graphics with dynamic light.
• Breathtaking sound effects! Use headphones for maximum fun!
*** DESIGN ***
1. Block-based Scene, Character, Props, Weapons.
2. Awesome BLOCK SKINS, high quality model design.
3. Fighting N Shooting. Play with your friends!!!
Challenge your limits!Your record will upload to Game Center.To be the 1st-killer all around the world. We believe you can do it! Just Fighting!!!
Famous The Lab : Mc Mini Game with Multiplayer - The most intense pvp experience is now available to download on App store
►Face off against other players, creating a build based on a theme in just few minutes.
►Vote on which of the builds you think is the best.
•New Giant Arena specially built for Build Battle
•Beautiful graphics
•Team playing
•Over 500 challenges
•Single player mode for practice building challenges
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