下载厂商:OBAID INC Limited| 1495次下载 广告检测·病毒检测·人工复检
∞∞∞ Its good for grades II to grades XII ∞∞∞
We are going to add kids millionaire in the next version.
∞ Play the exciting Mathionaire game on iPod, iPhone and iPad.
∞ Play it, enjoy it and learn from it.
∞ How many questions can you answer from this multi millionaire quiz?
∞ Questions range from simple to tough. Your Math skills will be tested in multiple areas and for multiple grades. This is a challenge that promises to keep you engaged and improve your Math skills ∞
∞ The questions covered the following categories
1. Algebra
2. Arithmetic
3. Geometry
4. Trigonometry
5. Calculus
6. Probability
7. Tricky maths and logic questions.
∞ The challenge is to solve the questions without using pen, calculator or computer. We hope you can succeed in all the levels.
# 3 Life lines
1. 50-50 lifeline
2. Public Voting
3. Mathematic Genius
# The sounds are great and the graphics are just Mathilicious!
# There are currently 300 questions covering different categories.
# We will keep adding many more questions with each update and ofcourse the updates will be free.
Thank you for downloading the Quiz. We hope you will enjoy it. Do give us your feedback and suggestion and we look forward to improving this game based on your feedback.
This application developed by Obaid inc and its not affiliated to any copyright holder of the TV show. Its purely developed to improve education.
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