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Where would you like to go next, SPY Fox?
Air Today, Gone Tomorrow.
A huge hairspray space station is blasting vile vapors into the ozone, putting Earth at the mercy of the sun's rays. With her paw on the nozzle, Poodles Galore unleashes her plot to corner the sunscreen market. It's up to SPY Fox and his friends to "can" Poodles and save the planet.
—User Reviews—
“SPY Fox: Operation Ozone is rated E for Everyone, which means fun for the whole family. The clever, fun puzzles get kids to think while the humorous story keeps them from realizing that they’re (gasp) learning.”
“Our 10-year-old tester was ecstatic firing up this program–Spy Fox has been a huge favorite–and he wasn’t disappointed.”
“All operatives enjoyed the mission.”
• Kooky, crazy characters you'll love.
• Interactive animations send you on out-of-this-world adventures.
• Multiple game paths and mini-games in every corner stretch the fun.
• The only interactive spy adventure of it's kind.
• 11 original SPY songs.
This product uses ScummVM which is released under the GNU GPL v2.
For more information, please visit - http://www.scummvm.org
The GNU GPL can be viewed here - https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html
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