下载厂商:Orangenose Studios| 8226次下载 广告检测·病毒检测·人工复检
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How high is your IQ?
How art exactly are you?
Test your IQ level with the stupidness 2 game! Think and figure out your way quickly through the impossible stages!
Get your friends and family to try it out and have some laughs over it!
✚ ‶35 stimulating questions″
✚ ‶Hints provided (just in case)″
✚ ‶Fun for all ages″
✚ ‶Post your score on Facebook″
✚ ‶Simple yet addictive″
✚ ‶Get to know you IQ score based on how well you do″
❝Great game! Just quite impossible to pass! Bravo!❞
❝Stupidness Pro 2 would be a great game to pull out at your next party. No matter how old you are, you will find the questions silly, challenging, and somewhat mystifying. It is worth your money if you enjoy comedy and a little witty humor.❞ - AppAdvice.com
NOTE: If you can't pass the 3 candle stage, please turn off ZOOM setting under Settings > General > Accessibility > Zoom
iTunes ranked Top 5 in over 30 countries!
World average rating of 4½✮
You won't want to miss this game, download now!
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