下载厂商:Make Believe| 5189次下载 广告检测·病毒检测·人工复检
Choose from six highly addictive game modes and catch all the gems - if you can!
Are you up to the challenge? On Gem Island, adventure and excitement literally fall from the skies! Choose from six highly addictive game modes, catching, aiming, or avoiding colorful gems in a gorgeous 3D animated environment.
There are NO ADS in this version!
• GO GO GO: Blue Gems are falling, how many can you collect before one touches the bottom?!
• ONLY RED: Collect only the Red Gems! Don't touch any blue! (Hint: The lowest gem on the screen will always be red!)
• THE VACUUM: For this mode, touch the Blue Gem to get it to rush down towards the Blue Tornado! Don't miss!
• TONGUE TIED: Think you are good, huh? Now you've got Blue Gems AND Green Gems to collect! When touched, Green Gems fly up towards the Green Tornado, while the Blue still rush down! Caution: This will have your head spinning!
• GOING UP: GO GO GO in reverse, with Green Gems!
• KIDS MODE: Fun for kiddos! This mode takes the pressure off! Collect up to 250 gems with no penalties! Click the "X" to exit the game early.
This game was tested on the iPhone 5 and newer hardware. Older hardware may experience limited playability.
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