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RPG meets RTS in the most gripping multi-player game yet! Crystal War:
Blood Field picks up where Crystal War left off introducing a much requested
multi-player feature. Choose your character class (human or goblin) and face
off against other players in network mode to determine victory.
Dozens of character types, skills to manage, and battlefields to dominate
await you in this perfect fusion of strategy and role-playing. Or, prove yourself
against the sophisticated NPC AI. Either way, you’ll find yourself immersed in
the heat of battle, fighting for the chance to prove your wits and strength
against one more enemy.
■ ■ ■ Real-Time Strategy
Crystal War: Blood Field creates tension by incorporating an engaging level of
real-time strategy. In order to defeat your warlord opponent, you must have
the resources to build an army. Mining crystal gives you those resources
protecting the miners, however, presents another challenge.
■ ■ ■ RPG
Crystal War: Blood Field isn’t just about bigger and badder enemies. As the
game progresses, your resources, inventory, and characters themselves
evolve. Each victory is a step toward equipping your character with new and
better skills designed to decimate your opponents.
"It’s a surprisingly cleverly designed castle defense game." - 148apps
"Crystal War: Blood Field's RPG-style progression aims to draw you into the
game's battles" - PocketGamer
"Perfect for the RPG and RTS gamer because it is something that you can
sink your teeth into, and it will continue to reward you for a very long time." -
"Crystal War Blood Field does a great job of ashing together the best
details and intricacies of both RPG and RTS for a stellar castle defense game.
" - AppCraver
■ ■ ■ Features:
▶ Build an unstoppable army!
16 units compose the human army, from simple workman to sworden, elven
allies, and heavy artillery. The 13 units which make up the goblin army provide
a formidable force to be reckoned with, including goblins, trolls, and the
terrifying Balrog. Each unit offers its own set of characteristics and abilities.
▶True strategy!
The variety of units and the ability to develop skills and collect items
according to your preferred combat tactics make Crystal War: Blood Field one
of the only games which truly challenges your ability to strategize.
▶Play against other real-world opponents!
You asked, we delivered! Not only does Crystal War: Blood Field offer a
variety of modes of play in single player mode, you can now play against real
life opponents across our network. Choose unlimited mode or rivalry mode,
and set your own objectives!
▶See how your skills stack up!
Test your prowess against real opponents, rack up achievements, and check
your rankings. Crystal War: Blood Field is also OpenFeint enabled.
▶Get swept away!
The combination of RPG elements and RTS is an explosive, addictive
experience. Players will be captivated by the need to improve, finesse, and
expand their strategies in order to ensure complete victory. Crystal War: Blood
Field is a gaming experience like none other.
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