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A totally free "dungeon crawler" with tons of Eater Eggs and secrets.No ads!
This is a mysterious adventure. How long can you survive during the unknown journey? Enter the Gumballs & Dungeons!Start off a great adventure with world wide players,lead your Swordan,Demon Hunter,Mage and Death Knight to beat the Evil Dominator of the Erathia continent.
● Explore the Gumballs & Dungeons with world wide players,challenge friends and check leaderboards and achievements
● Experience more than 12 different game maps and hidden stages, including Magic Forest, Sage's Tower, Dracula's Castle, Skeleton Island ...
● Build and upgrade your GUMBALL Fleet,go to the celestial city, challenge world wide players and win resources to upgrade your fleet.
● Collect powerful new gumballs and upgrade existing ones,including Mage, Swordan, Odin, Vampire ...
● Upgrade your Alchemist Workshop which can produce coins and resources constantly
● You can also read many wonderful stories that have more than 100,000 words in the game.
Are you having problems? Visit http://qcplay.helpshift.com/a/gumballs_dungeons or https://www.facebook.com/gumballs.dungeons or contact us in game by going to Settings > Guide.
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